Terms & rights of service


In this document are reported the conditions of purchase and on-line payment through the "www.3rdgen-shop.com" site, wich owner is Third Generation di Roà Andrea, via Sant’Agostino 11A, 12084 Mondovì (CN).

The present general conditions (from here on "general conditions"), except for waivers specified by a script, regulate the relations between the vendor THIRD GENERATION and the client (consumer user)

Such general conditions become effective since the date of reception of the same by the client, on the site, that has the value of the acceptance unser art. 1341 of the civil code. The society reservs the discretionto modify in every moment this general conditions reporting them on the site.


We inform you that, in accordance with the principles of the Legislative Decree No. 196 of June 30, 2003 - Personal Data Protection Code, the Company Third Generation di Roà Andrea, Via Sant’Agostino 11A 12084 Mondovì (CN), Partita IVA IT02991570041 C.F. ROANDR78M26F351H Tel: 0174-46200 is the holder of the processing of the personal data you provide. Treatment of personal data means collection, registration, organization, storage, processing, modification, selection, extraction, comparison, use, interconnection, blocking, communication, dissemination, cancellation and destruction, or the combination of two or more of these operations. These data will be processed by the Company Backcountry.it in relation to its demands:
    •    to execute a service requested or one or more operations requested
    •    to comply with legal obligations;

Data processing will be performed through instruments apt to guarantee security and confidentiality and might be performed using automated tools to store, manage and transmit the data.
We inform you that in relation to the treatments previously cited, you may exercise the rights under Article 7 (Right to Access Personal Data and Other Rights) of the Legislative Decree No. 196 of June 30, 2003 (the text of the decree is reported below). Further information regarding the treatment and communication of your personal information may be requested by writing to the Company Third Generation di Roà Andrea, Via Sant’Agostino 11A 12084 Mondovì (CN), Partita IVA IT02991570041 C.F. ROANDR78M26F351H Tel: 0174-46200 or by sending an e-mail to the address info@3rdgen-shop.com
Legislative Decree No. 196 of June 30, 2003, Article 7: Right to Access Personal Data and Other Rights:
1. A data subject shall have the right to obtain confirmation as to whether or not personal data concerning him exist, regardless of their being already recorded, and communication of such data in intelligible form.
2. A data subject shall have the right to be informed
a) of the source of the personal data;
b) of the purposes and methods of the processing;
c) of the logic applied to the processing, if the latter is carried out with the help of electronic means;
d) of the identification data concerning data controller, data processors and the representative designated as per Section 5(2);
e) of the entities or categories of entity to whom or which the personal data may be communicated and who or which may get to know said data in their capacity as designated representative(s) in the State’s territory, data processor(s) or person(s) in charge of the processing.

3. A data subject shall have the right to obtain
a) updating, rectification or, where interested therein, integration of the data;
b) erasure, anonymization or blocking of data that have been processed unlawfully, including data whose retention is unnecessary for the purposes for which they have been collected or subsequently processed;
c) certification to the effect that the operations as per letters a) and b) have been notified, as also related to their contents, to the entities to whom or which the data were communicated or disseminated, unless this requirement proves impossible or involves a manifestly disproportionate effort compared with the right that is to be protected.

4. A data subject shall have the right to object, in whole or in part
 a) on legitimate grounds, to the processing of personal data concerning him/her, even though they are relevant to the purpose of the collection;
 b) to the processing of personal data concerning him/her, where it is carried out for the purpose of sending advertising materials or direct selling or else for the performance of market or commercial communication surveys. 

Information regarding online dispute resolution pursuant to Art. 14 Para. 1 of the ODR (Online Dispute Resolution Regulation):
The European Commission gives consumers the opportunity to resolve online disputes pursuant to Art. 14 Para. 1 of the ODR on one of their platforms. The platform (http://ec.europa.eu/consumers/odr) serves as a site where consumers can try to reach out-of-court settlements of disputes arising from online purchases and contracts for services.


The purchase of products happens through the direct access to the site and the relative registration of the client.

The client can purchase on-line only the products present in the electronic catalogue published on the site and available in the moment of the forwarding of the order,as much as described in the relative information tabs here viewable. It's intended that the sizes, the weights, the dimensions and the performance indicated in the informative tab are approximated values and that the image supplied in the descriptive tab of a product could not be a perfect rappresentetion of its performances but could differ in color, dimensions, products, accessories present in the picture. all the purchase support informations are to be intended as simple generic informative material, not referrable to real stathistics of the product.

The reception of the order is confirmed by THIRD GENERATION through a response via e-mail,communicated to the client in the moment of the transmission of the order. That confirm message will report an  "order number", to make use of in the case of any communication with the society. The message will report all the data insert by the client that has to check the correctness and to communicate tempestively the evntual corrections. In any case, that message doesn't represent any acceptance of the order juridically binding, reserving THIRD GENERATION to accept or decline the order even in a consecutive moment at the sending of the message itself. In the case that, for any reason, THIRD GENERATION could not evade client's order, it would be tempestively communicated to the client.


Every accesory on the site is offered "except confirmation". The contract stipulated between THIRD GENERATION and the client must be intended as concluded with the acceptance of the order byTHIRD GENERATION and, in any case, except for a succesfull conclusion of the payment. The acceptance is intended as tacit, with the deliverance of the products. The confirm mail containing th "order number" won't represent an acceptance of the order, and all the data that the client submitted related to that. Every contractual or extra-contractual responsibility referred to the society is taken out for any direct or undirect damage to people and/or things caused by the non acceptance, even partial of an order.

With the registration to the site or with the online compilation of the order, the client declares that he has taken vision of all the indications given during the purchase procedure, and to accept integrally the general terms here transcribed.The client, once concluded the online purchase process,will print or save an electronic copy and in anyway preserve these conditions,in respect of what expected by art. 52 and 53 of the legislative decree of 6 september 2005,n. 206.


The equivalent for the purchase of products present on the site is the one communicated by THIRD GENERATION directly through the site itself.All the prices on the site are to be intended as price to the public and so, comprehensive of VAT. 
The prices can vary without obligation of notification and the only correct price is the one indicated in the moment of the confirmation of the order. In case of promotions or special prices they are to be intended as valid until it's out of sale.


At senses of the art. 13 of the Lgs.Decree 196/2003,  THIRD GENERATION,acting as titolar of the treatment, informs the client that the personal data provided by the same and acquired contextually to the site registration, or at the conclusion of an online purchase contract of any product , made through the site, or at the moment of the navigation through system logs, will be handled, through manual, informatic and telematic instruments for the purposes here described:

1) The carying out by THIRD GENERATION of the activities needed to the conclusion, managing and execution of the purchase contracts through the site.

2) finalties connected to law dutyes, regolamentations and community normatives as well as dispositions given by authorities or vigilance and control organs;

3) Sending of newsletters and promotional material having as item the services offered by THIRD GENERATION and/or societyes being part of the group.

With reference to the above purposes, THIRD GENERATION informs that the conferment of the data is mandatory for the finalities in sub 1) and 2), with the result that, in those ipothesis, an eventual refuse of confirming will determine the impossibility for THIRD GENERATION to satisfy and evade client's orders and requests.

Considering what above, with reference to the treatments referred at n3), THIRD GENERATION will ask from time to time, through apposit masks collocated on the site to give consense to the execution of that type of treatment.

THIRD GENERATION informs that, at the end, that article 7, Lgs.D 196/2003, gives,to the client that communicates he's personal data, specific rights, among which, that to obtain from the owner or the eventual person in charge the confirmation of the existence of he's data  and to make them avilable in an intelligible way, to know the source of the data and the logics and finalties on which the treatment is based, to obtain the cancellation, the transformation to anonymous or the blocking of the data in violation of a law as well as updating, rettification, or if there is interest, the integration of the data;  oppose, for legitimate motivations, to the tratment itself.

To get aknowledge of variations or changes in the politycs relative to privacy followed by THIRD GENERATION, due primarily, to normative mutations, it is appropriate that the client consults constantly the present document.


Present general conditions are appliable only in Italy.

Under article 63 of the Lgs.D. n. 206/2005, competent to decide of every dispute eventually emerged with reference to these conditions is the jurisdiction of the place where the seller lives.


Every eventual complain will have to be pointed towards THIRD GENERATION via Sant’Agostino 11A 12084 Mondovì CN